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2023年11月18日 TOEFL Primary & Junior 高分获得者名单公布!



Laurus International School is pleased to announce the successful participation of our Primary and Secondary School students in the TOEFL Primary and Junior tests, conducted on November 18th, 2023. It is with great pride that we recognize the exceptional achievements of several students who have attained high scores in these assessments. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to these outstanding students for their commendable performance. The school eagerly looks forward to seeing more of our students’ names on this prestigious list of honorees in the future.



💠 TOEFL Junior

Yuna Uemura (Year 6): 865/900



💠 TOEFL Primary Step 2

Aika Tsubota (Year 4): 229/230

Miyu Sato (Year 6): 229/230



💠 TOEFL Primary Step 1

Mina Ogisu (Year 2): 218/218

Ryoya Oshima (Year 3): 218/218

Yumeng Ko (Year 3): 218/218

K.A. (Year 2): 217/218
