Global Biotech & Healthcare Brainstorming Meeting held at Laurus
by Dr Paul E Cizdziel
The topic of Genomics, DNA Sequencing and Health was discussed among global healthcare professionals at the Laurus International School on the evening of December 3rd. Present for the brainstorming session were representatives from two of the world leading DNA sequence technology companies; Pacific Biosciences ( and Illumina Corporation ( A total of 17 bioscience market professionals attended this meeting, that was partially sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), of which the Laurus School is an active academic-class member.
A brainstorming session on genomics, DNA sequencing and health took place among global healthcare professionals from world leading DNA sequence technology companies.
Genomic sequence technology and information is evolving rapidly, but not yet commonplace in diagnostics and the clinic. There are complexities in regulatory considerations, information management, bioinformatics, education and adoption that all need to be addressed to realize the enormous benefits of DNA sequencing technologies for human health. Japan is neither ahead nor behind in this area, but has the potential to take leadership with government support and progressive thinking. These topics were discussed at the meeting.
An event like this showcases the school and networks Laurus with businesses thought-leaders, potentially bringing benefits to our students and faculty who can learn from these accomplished professionals.
The meeting was organized and hosted by Paul Cizdziel, Science Advisor at Laurus, who himself, worked 35 years in the biotechnology industry (mostly in Japan) prior to joining Laurus in 2023.
A note from our Science Advisor, Dr Paul E Cizdziel
The Ad Astra room on the 10th floor of Laurus International Primary & Secondary School is primarily dedicated to space science education, an increasingly important part of modern education. This field of science covers everything from amateur photographers (like myself), to aerospace engineering, government agencies, research institutions, and a rapidly expanding and opportunity-rich commercial sector. My intention with this blog is to periodically provide information of general interest to students and parents on current topics across all these categories.