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11 years old - 14 years old

After School

A place where curiosity turns into passion.
The Frontiers Program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to nurture these initial interests, transforming them into passions that will influence their paths far into the future.

The program’s objective is to empower students to conduct independent research, guided not only by our excellent specialty teachers but also by external researchers and industry experts.

This collaboration will enable students to delve deeper into their areas of interest and help them to discover what they really want to do.



Students start off their journey by brainstorming their interests and narrowing down what they would like to study. After initial research of the topic they decide on a project they like and plan experiments in detail. Students start experiments and can continue their research for as long and as intense as they wish. The results of their hard work will be presented at the Laurus STEAM Fair or at the monthly roundtable presentations. All steps of the way will be supported und supervised by a mentor.




Class: Y8

Interests: Video games, Basketball, Sleeping

Project Title: Implementation of a classroom monetary system using near field communication (NFC)

Project Description:

Fueled by his fascination with suica and other contactless payment systems, he delved into the underlying technology. Through brainstorming sessions and mentorship, an intriguing concept emerged: a comprehensive school-wide monetary system. This system would allow students to accrue credits for exemplary classroom behavior, which could then be redeemed for various privileges, such as extending homework deadlines or avoiding cleanup duties. These credits would be conveniently stored on personalized IC cards.

In pursuit of this ambitious vision, he is currently on a self-guided journey to master Python with guidance by a mentor, while exploring the realm of NFC devices and their practical applications. We eagerly anticipate the positive impact his innovative system may bring to our school.

Example Projects from Previous Years



Internal Mentors

Supervise regular student activities and experiments throughout the year. Are present at fixed times at Laurus Mita Campus and advise and support research progress.


Fred Junghans
Research Mentor/ Program Coordinator

Science mentor and program manager with a background in biochemistry, but interested in a variety of different science disciplines. For example, 3D Modeling, 3D Printing, Rocketry, Arduino, Unity and many more.


Paul E. Cizdziel, PhD
Science Advisor

Life science industry veteran with extensive experience in biotech / pharmaceutical research and commercial processes. Self-taught astronomy and astrophotography enthusiast.


Ko Wong

STEM Industry Mentor

Specialized in Cyber Security, Computing, Robotics, Engineering & Technology. He has more than 10 years of industry experience in Research and Development in mobile phone, sensors and smart IoT.


Steve Law

Math Teacher

New part of our team of excellent educators covering all topics of STEAM education, who are just a step away and able to advice in all science related matters.


Merlin Llewelyn-Pratt

Science Teacher for Secondary

New part of Laurus’ team of excellent educators. Graduated from his university in animal conservation and conservational biology.


Anthony Woodgate

Science Teacher for Secondary

He has a background in biochemistry and software development. Interested in all things science and tech, but especially 3D modelling and animation.


Louise Blennerhassett
Life Library Custodian

Manager of life library activities and caretaker of animals and plants. Graduate from Tokyo Univ. with a degree in Geology.

External Mentors

Supply students and the school with ideas for projects and provide their knowledge and support at scheduled occasions. They also can provide workshops and presentations for events or seasonal programs.


Joseph ‘JJ’ Richardson, PhD

Founder at SWIFF, Future Fellow & Associate Professor at RMIT University

Assistant professor and entrepreneur researching nanoparticles and its applications. Inventor and founder of swiff, a novel way to disinfect surfaces through nanoparticle coating and also fight body odor.


Ryutaro Nishimura

Member of Shojin Meat Project, Infra Engineer at BFT

As scientific researcher at shojin meat he is interested in education of future generations about the benefits of artificial meat culture. As a main job he works in the IT field dealing with concerns of infrastructure and more.


Joshua Karpelowitz

Student at Chiba University

Student at Univ. Chiba and active science mentor at Education Beyond. Focus of studies include brain computer interfaces, artificial intelligence and neuroscience.


Antonio Zimbello

Biomedical Engineering, Augmented Reality

Educator and graduate in biomedical engineering. Versed in topics on electrical engineering, AR and programming.

and many more…

Overview of Available Fields of Study








Q: Who can apply to the Frontiers Program?


A:Students of Junior Highschool age (11-15) with a firm command of the English language.


Q: What happens if my child does not have a plan for what he/she wants to study?


A:Mentors at Laurus will work with students after their initial application to determine their interests. Furthermore, mentors at Laurus have a big selection of premade projects that can be matched to the interests of the students.


Q: What topics are offered?


A:Research at the frontiers program is free and therefore not limited by certain topics or disciplines of science. If a student has a particular interest in a field we will try to match him with a mentor that fits that field. If no mentor in that discipline is currently available we will try out best to make contact with external mentors that could cover the area of interest.


Q: What kind of external mentors are available?


A:For an up to date list of available external mentors please inquire with our office staff.


Q: What happens if my child cant continue their research for a limited amount of time?


A:If for unforeseeable reasons there is a need to stop projects or mentoring for a certain amount of time it is to temporarily stop membership of the frontiers program for up to 3 months. If after 3 months a student wants to continue their research it will be necessary to pay enrollment fee again.




Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about enrollment, taking a school tour, or applying for a trial lesson.