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【Musashi-Kosugi】Saturday Elementary Course Book Now Your Trial Lesson!



Dear Parents and caregivers,

Thank you very much for your ongoing support of Laurus International School.

We are excited to announce that the trial lessons for our Saturday International School program at Musashi-Kosugi School are available!

To reserve your trial lesson, kindly complete the form provided.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

●Student Age

Preschool: 18 months ~ 3 years old
Kindergarten: 3 ~ 5 years old
Kinder Advance: 4 ~ 6 years old
Elementary: Primary/elementary school aged students


●English level

2 to 3 years of English experience or more (ability to understand the teacher’s direction in English. The class will be held on Saturdays from 9.00am to 5.00pm.)

●Trial lesson date and time

Every Saturday from June 15th, 2024    9:00~11:00


There is a trial lesson fee of 2,200 yen. After application, we will send invoice via ‘My Payments’ (online payment system).


●Application form

●Musashi-Kosugi School

Park City Musashi-kosugi The Garden Towers WEST 2F W6, 2-228-1 Kosugi-cho,Nakahara-ku,Kawasaki-city,Kanagawa 211-0063




Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about enrollment, taking a school tour, or applying for a trial lesson.